Zupta Chronicles
“ZUPTA CHRONICLES: A Hunt For A Killer Croc” unfolds in the serene village of Zupta, where tranquility is shattered by the emergence of Killer Croc, a ruthless predator plunging the community into fear and chaos. Under the rule of enigmatic King Zupta, the villagers grapple with the menace, revealing a tale of secrets, unity, and the interplay of shadows and destiny. A group of defiant teens embarks on a journey to uncover the truth, sparking alliances and unraveling the motivations behind the deadly expeditions. As they confront the King’s disturbing connection to the violence, a plot to end his reign takes shape, entwined with the destiny of the village and the wisdom of its sorcerous, iSangoma. The narrative weaves a suspenseful saga of intrigue, resilience, and the enduring spirit of a village on the brink of transformation, where choices and revelations converge to reshape the course of history.
About the Author
Oscar Mdunge
Oscar Mdunge is a retired engineer with a newfound passion for writing, he want to make his mark in the literary world. With a background that blends technical expertise with creative spirit, his journey into writing began with articles spanning diverse subjects. His upcoming book, “ZUPTA CHRONICLES,” delves into mysteries and promises to captivate readers with his unique narrative style. Beyond writing, Oscar have love for exploration and adventure has taken him across borders, enriching his storytelling. As a former athlete with South African National colours and as a martial arts enthusiast, his commitment to excellence transcends his literary pursuits. Oscar’s experiences and diverse background infuse depth and authenticity into his stories, making “My Friend AI” as his next exciting endeavor.
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